5 Steps to Finding the Best SEO Agency for Your Business

Are you struggling to generate sales and create new leads? Most first-time business owners do. It’s an all too common problem that they stress themselves over rather than searching for qualified professionals to lend them a hand.  What you often need is SEO, search engine optimization, to create more exposure for your brand and effectively increase website traffic. SEO works hand in hand with search engines as the majority of online traffic comes from simple searches. When used correctly, SEO is a competitive advantage. There are hundreds, and most likely thousands, of SEO and marketing agencies ready to dive deep into your website and decipher what’s been going on. Some may specialize in one aspect, whereas others might specialize in another, but Notice U Marketing does it all. 

From auditing your digital marketing to getting you found first, SEO is only a piece of the puzzle. We also specialize in other marketing tactics such as social media, website development, exact targeting, search ads, and more. We’re the qualified professionals you’ve been looking for.

Where to Start

Finalizing your decision for the best SEO agency for your business is a big move. The chosen agency will be in charge of your online image and marketing, so it is very important to know who you are working with. The last thing to do is blindly sign a contract with a company you know little to nothing about.

So where should I start? Great question. Instead of turning to Google to solve all of life’s problems, we’ve made it easy for you by compiling a list of 5 simple steps to find the best SEO agency for your business, all you have to do is continue reading.

1.   Identify your goals

Before you even start your search, you need to look within. Ask yourself what your goals for your website and online presence are? What do you need an SEO specialist to do for you? Do you need to take it from the beginning and start an online presence? Do you already have a presence and want help maintaining it? Would you like your website to rank higher in search results? Whatever your goals may be, be sure to stay truthful and specific with your answers. There are many agencies available to choose from, meaning you should have a nice list of services to select. Find an agency that aligns with your goals and with what you want to accomplish. Evaluate all potential options to decide which agency best meets your needs.

2.   Look outside of Google

Once you have determined your goals, you begin your active search. Your initial reaction might be to open a new tab and do a quick Google search. There’s nothing wrong with that, as it’s now our new norm when we need answers, but expand your search through networks. Who do you know that knows SEO or have used an SEO agency in the past? Word-of-mouth is an old and reliable form of research and still a great way to find answers. Don’t limit yourself from any  research method. Try them all out. You never know what you might find.

3.   Research your research

Don’t settle on any first impression options without reference checking and looking more into them. Do your research on your research, or in other words, check out reviews, case studies, testimonials, websites, and social media. Are you able to find more information than you expected? Are the potential agencies willing to provide more information, such as client testimonials or in-depth case studies? Agencies should be transparent not only about the services they’ll be providing you, but with their past experiences as well. A reputable agency backs up what they say and never hesitates in providing clients with all the information they need.

4.   Get to know your potential SEO gurus

When you think that you’ve found “the one,” get to know them deeper. Meet the company face to face, the entire team if possible, and get to know the people involved. Zoom and Google Meets calls do the trick for out of town entities as well. Connect with who you’ll be working with and be sure the basic premises are understood from the get-go. Be sure to gauge their attitude towards business and SEO. Are they showing signs of creativity and passion or irritability and a know-it-all attitude?

5.   Think beyond SEO

Improving your rank in search results is great, but what’s next? You need to maintain that ranking and stay ahead of the competitors. They are always working to be #1, just like you are, so don’t think that SEO is a quick and permanent fix. It’s like mowing the grass, you get it done, but things grow and change and you’re going to have to revisit it again at some point. SEO is complex and it takes hard work, time, and dedication. There is a lot that goes into making it successful from strategy to keywords to content writing. Success does not happen overnight.

Notice U Marketing

Don’t miss out on digital marketing, especially since the world already dove headlong into it. Digital marketing is important, just like SEO is for any website. Not thinking about your website rank or online presence makes you fall behind and we don’t want to see you left in the dust. As SEO experts, we know what your website needs, when it needs it, and we know how to keep you ahead of the pack. We have years of experience in digital and traditional marketing, so when you’re ready to get the best results for your website, online presence, and business, contact us, Notice U Marketing. For a limited time only, our deep dive audit is FREE with no strings attached. Call us at (702) 471-8681 to claim.