Dino Safari Case Study

Phasellus auctor semper

Dino Safari Case Study

Over $7 Million In Tracked Sales


Dino Safari roamed around the country for 9 months producing $7 million in tracked website sales revenue with a digital ROI as high as 3,900%.

It’s a formula that will work for ANY business…. EVEN YOURS!


When The Right Media Mix Is Right, It’s Like Printing Money

995,000+ lifetime search impressions.

272,000+ lifetime clicks from people looking for Dino Safari.

27% Click Through Rate.

Optimized click costs down to 51-cents per click.

In one market, $437,000+ in sales were captured with a Google Ads spend of just $5,600.

Let's Get You Similar Results

We Strategically Used All Media

Six weeks before entering a market: we started SEO to get the location rolling in search. We added location to the website, set up a Google My Business listing, and began backlinking and other optimizations to make sure the location would be found locally in organic search. Search is the net that catches sales.

Two to three weeks before the shows opened: we hit markets with big traditional media buys (radio, TV, billboards), PR pushes, exact target native/banner ads, and paid social ads. The targeted consumer was parents with young kids in suburbs. Our plan was to drive awareness. After all, there is not a huge amount of Google keyword search for “dinosaurs in a parking lot.” We tracked brand and concept search increases in Google. We sprinkled in some high volume, targeted remarketing and the pre-sales came flooding in.

Upon opening: the mission morphed to turning awareness into sales and Digital Marketing kicked into high gear.

We used highly targeted native, video, banners, and social media offers to drive sales.
We targeted warm audiences with remarketing.
We used audience matching data to openly target new “look alike” audiences.
Throughout we continued to optimize by using a “Google Ads as a net philosophy” to catch all searching for the topic and brand name. We optimized the website and language of the offer to effectively SELL.

The campaign clearly worked with an ROI that was often over 1,000%.


Cost Per Acquisition & ROAS Model

We systematically ran each market’s campaign around a CPA and ROAS model. It was truly data driven. It was easy to see when we had saturated a market to the point of wasted buying. It was clear to see when a market became over-saturated and it was time to move on.
You might think a lot of awareness made this easy. It wasn’t.

We watched as awareness gave way to purchasing and finally eroded into audience apathy. In each market we worked to achieve sales sooner. We worked to keep sales volume higher, longer. When sales started to wane, we got very active in redistributing budgets and modifying strategy.

We regularly developed and tested new creative, offers, and audience targeting to eek out the lowest cost per acquisition (CPA) and the highest return on ad spend (ROAS) for as many weeks as we could.

How is it to work with NoticeU Marketing?

This was an extremely high activity account with a huge amount of pressure to perform. There was nowhere to hide as everything was tracked.

Strategies were augmented for every new market we entered and we often had 3 completely different markets live at once.

We researched ahead of time and planned accordingly before launching every new market.

We actively paid attention to data and we optimized to take advantage of opportunities.

Using data / tracking we found sweet spots around targeting and frequency where sales were nearly guaranteed.

At Client request we invested a lot of time and money into building completely custom reporting platforms to give them insights into all of Dino Safari’s individual markets.

It Didn't Always Work: Here's What We Did To Fix A Major Issue

Certain Markets Dried Up Long Before We Were Done There.
In a select few instances, markets were over saturated, the messages were tired and the response became dismal. We took action to fix it.

We added new platforms by delving into TikTok and other methods to reach new audiences.

We harvested user generated content and created fresh videos to create NEW CONSIDERATION from people who had already seen hundreds of ads.

The Extras Count!

We were hired to deliver high converting digital marketing. In the end we did so much more. In other words, we can and will help you achieve your goals too!

Let’s Talk About What We Can Do For You.

Real Value, Real Wins.

Whether it be a call or a meeting we will come to that first consultation with REAL VALUE, real data and real solutions. You have nothing to lose.